A “new” best seller…

There’s a lot of discussion in the newspapers in the UK lately about a book that has surprisingly (the newspapers say) made the best seller lists. Its title is “Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ” and is by Giulia Enders who is currently studying at Institute for Microbiology in Frankfurt. I am looking forward to reading her book and I see from the review that ther are already some things that a paleo person would agree with; digestive health is important to happiness; your gut flora are important; and squatting is a more natural position for defacation. All good stuff I think.


I dont think it so surprising that its a bestseller. People seem to me to fascinated by what happens in their digestive system and with diseases such as acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and bowel cancer seemingly endemic in modern human society, I can see every reason why a book that seems to offer an explanation, even if it doesnt offer a cure, would be popular. Of course, I would say “Before you buy the book, just cut the grains and see if you feel better”.

Curiously, I am also reading a book about the gut at the moment, but one that was published almost 20 years ago. “The Second Brain” is a devoted description and explanation of the enteric nervous system of the gut by an exceptional scientist and writer. The author, Michael D. Gershon makes some of the same points that the reviews of  “Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ” also attributes to Giulia Enders.  Michael D. Gerson coincidentally begins his book with the thoughtful observation that in science, as in all aspects of human existence, there is nothing new under the sun. Everything builds on what has gone before.

It will be interesting to see how far the two authors agree, despite their separation of nearly 2 decades.


Just in case you were wondering, I got to The Second Brain, through a reference in Jill Miller’s “The Roll Model”. A great recommendation for anyone interested in self-myofacial release and trigger point therapy.